Pieces of News — Check out my Substack!

Hello readers!

I feel like I have said this, or made similar announcements, several times over the years since I’ve begun blogging, created new blogs for new epochs of my life, moved from one platform to another, etc. I wrote a few weeks ago how this February marks my 11th year of blogging…which seems crazy, because I’m not that old. But actually, I am rather older than I was when I began this journey, which is why so many changes have taken place!

People change so dramatically, my friends. For myself, I hope I am continually growing in grace and maturing in my faith and my character. I don’t want to be who I was when I first began blogging about period dramas at 14 years old. However, neither would I want to forsake my first loves that brought me here in the first place — literature, historical culture, the beauty of stories. I have been surprised and pleased to rediscover some of those loves in the last few months, and in many ways I feel more myself than I have ever since undergoing all the many changes of the past several years — going to college, moving several times, getting married, etc. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too self-serving to say. All I mean is, I still love to write, and I’m so glad I still get to, and I hope the time I spend doing this will be of some benefit to others as it is a release and a pleasure for me.

All that said — once again, I find myself outgrowing this platform. I have never loved WordPress, and it’s kind of left me with a bad taste in my mouth after trying out a paid domain and learning to “work” the SEO system, which I am so far an utter failure at. WordPress seems to be more suited to content creators and marketers than literary writers, and I’m just not feeling at home here any longer. I also hate that you all have to look at ads for things I don’t even remotely promote wedged in with all my posts, especially since I would like my corner of the internet to be a place where you aren’t bombarded with noise and unwanted visuals.

Lately I have been really enjoying reading from writers on Substack, and while it isn’t the ideal platform that I long for (in my perfect, imaginary world), it seems like the best place that I know of for writers to share their writing in a simple, streamlined way that is also personal to themselves. Substack also gives the option for readers to contribute financially to a writer’s work in a way that doesn’t involve clicking on ads, purchasing products, or otherwise supporting sponsors. Instead, you are directly supporting the writer whose time, effort, and research went into producing something thoughtful and hopefully constructive for you to read.

Things in my life have been slowing down big-time lately. I don’t mean that I’ve quit my job or stopped socializing or anything like that. By eliminating extra noise and fuss, there is so much more room in my mind and heart for thoughts, feelings, and ideas that actually bring value. One significant elimination that has made a difference is that I’ve taken an indefinite break from social media. I know, I know — we’re always hearing people say this (or at least I am), and it always seems to turn into a self-righteous promotion for one’s self control, lauding oneself for placing importance on the “real” things in life. I don’t want to sound that way…but seriously, life is much more real to me ever since I logged off with the intention of staying off. It’s been an incredibly freeing thing, and I plan to write more about it and the benefits I have personally found to leaving the realm of social media.

You can read about all this and more on my new Substack! I plan to publish articles at least bi-monthly, with some extra essays occasionally for paid subscribers. We’re in the beginning stages; you all are the first to know. There’s nothing much on there yet, but please do hop on over to my Substack, Lady Agrarian, and get yourself subscribed so you don’t miss any happenings.

As always, THANK YOU for reading, commenting, and encouraging. It means so much. ❤

Love, Emma

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