An Historical Account

It has been ELEVEN YEARS since I began blogging. Nearly half of my life has been spent partly writing to strangers and friends on the internet. It was late in February, which is a time known for birthing wild ideas. I was a bright-eyed, overly romantic 14-year-old, and naturally I felt I had things to SAY. Really, most… Continue reading An Historical Account

hippies and cowboys

Spring fever hit hard. Like I do, I got the exploring bug, and this time it brought me to a little cafe in rural New York's version of a Hallmark town. For the past half hour I've been sitting here, lazily drinking coffee and halfheartedly working on the last assignments due before spring break, while… Continue reading hippies and cowboys


I'm seventeen, shoulder-length brown hair in a hand-me-down sweater, sitting on the hearth in the living room of my parents' house, watching one of the greatest friendships in TV history evolve on the screen of our old box television. I was probably the only 17-year-old at the time watching this show, which aired in the… Continue reading Maggie.